You get three options on food quality - $15/day for low, $25 for medium, and $50/day for high quality food and drink. They are a big asset to your Resort and do impact Star Rating, though you'll have to hire staff to serve them. Food stands serve Sims who want a snack or drink on a whim and don't need a dining experience.No CC and play tested - Ingame photos -I have replaced the Resort "Tropical Oasis, Wave way 1" in Isla Paradiso., t´s perfect: -Deluxe suite with gallery, double/single rooms, Restaurant, Mermaid Bar, Sunset Bar at the Pier, Wellness and Fitness area -You need some store objects, mainly: World Midnight Hellow, Regency Arcade. Around the Sims 3 propose des téléchargements de qualité et gratuits pour le jeu de simulation d'Electronic Arts, les Sims 3: Sims, objets, textures, maisons, vêtements. Around the Sims offers high quality free downloads for the Electronic Arts simulation game, the Sims 3: Sims, objects, patterns, buildings, clothings.

An adaptation: it means they don't work as they do in the Sims 4 there's no new function, though I tried to adapt the objects to things we have in game and that we can use, but the animations are not adapted, so the result can be approximative. Merci! These objects are an adaptation of the gorgeous Sims 4 Get to Work objects for the Sims 3.